BOREAL BODY & KH Ceramic Design - Show Room - Holiday Hours

Friday from 5-7pm (Dec. 3.10.17)
Saturday 1-4:30pm (Dec. 4.11.18) &
December 21st, 22nd & 23rd from 5-7pm
We are happy to share studio space again this year with Katrin Huerzeler from KH ceramic design. Our Show Room will be open during the first three weeks in December. During open studio hours, you are welcome to visit the showroom & shop. Appointment is not required, though appreciated. You can also order online in advance & pick your order up at this location. Bring your confirmation email when you come to collect your order. If you order less than 48 hours before open studio hours, we may need to prepare your order when you visit. Please use the entrance on Beresford Street and ring the bell upon your arrival. We hope to see you there!
Cheers! - Allison (BOREAL BODY) & Katrin (KH ceramic design)
BOREAL BODY & KH ceramic design SHOW ROOM
49 Ray Blvd.
(Corner of Ray Blvd. & Beresford Street)
Thunder Bay P7B 4C2
Ontario Canada